There’s no better way to bask in the spring sun than while wearing a sundress! “It’s formal but simple, and I like being able not to have to choose a full outfit,” said junior Disaiya Turner. Because of the lightweight fabric and flowy shape of a sundress, not only does it look cute, but lets you feel that brisk spring breeze with the warmth of the sun.

Watch as the flowers bloom and floral fashion blossoms. From floral print dresses and tops to flowery skirts and socks, floral fashion let’s individuals truly embrace spring. “I feel like they are beautiful and it makes me feel happy and more excited for the day,” said junior Ariana Bocanegra.

No need to wrap up for the winter weather with jeans, when you can jump into the spring season with jorts! Jorts are denim shorts that combine the look of jeans and breathability in warm weather. Originally jorts started off as a style statement, but are seen today as a trend that you can’t miss out on. “I think it’s a good way to still style up your summer/warm clothes outfits without wearing athletic wear. It’s a good way to spruce up your wardrobe,” said senior Rebecca Pyun.