Graduation is in six days.
One hundred forty-four hours left of being high school students, then we’re moving onto bigger and better things.
Nine other Sentinel Sound staff members are graduating on June 5. They’ve spent the majority of this year recognizing and writing about other students, so while this issue’s feature section is for all SHS seniors, this letter is for them.
Arianna Armiger is always willing to help with anything, and keeps a positive attitude while doing it. She’s a jack of all trades, from copyediting to helping with layout to taking photos. And she has a scarily accurate eye for AP style errors. She’s reliable, and can always be counted on to get things done swiftly and precisely.
Analyssa Bugay only recently revealed her artistic talents to us and I get so ecstatic every time she chooses to draw an illustration for the newspaper. She’s a skilled writer as well, which really shines when she gets to write more creative articles, like reviews. She manages to bring color to a black and white newspaper.
McKenna Novak has been on The Sentinel Sound ever since it started up, and she’s been a steady, dedicated presence ever since. She stands up for what she believes in, and won’t be scared away from writing about social justice issues. And she will always have the answers to the New York Times games.
Nik Olive often goes out of his way to attend random events in odd locations just to get photos for one article. His passion for photography is palpable in the photos he gives us and in the way he navigates his busy schedule to take them. He’s a committed, valuable part of the team, always stepping up to help give the newspaper life.
Issy Pancho brings light and spirit to the classroom. She always has a smile on her face and a joke on her tongue, but she takes her articles very seriously. She spends as much time as she can on her articles, doing her best to produce the best version of her writing, all while being an involved student leader in other areas.
Rebecca Pyun was the most recent addition to the newspaper, but quickly proved herself to be just as valuable as more experienced reporters. She was not daunted by the new people and tasks, and quickly adapted to the class environment. When deadlines approach and pressure rises, she always offers her assistance to those who need it.
Austin Scheel has a relaxed, laid-back personality which always helps us take a step back and calm down when things are getting stressful. We’re lucky to have him as a photographer. He manages to capture boring subjects in a way that makes them interesting and dynamic, even though he claims he doesn’t have the “artistic eye” I always pester him about.
Lillian Sotoamaya is always willing to take up the “oddity” articles. She’ll take the weird topics that would be hard to write about for most people and easily make them entertaining. She writes the types of stories people look forward to reading in a high school newspaper while being self-motivated, never needing supervision or reminders to get it done.
Darren Vargas-Holmes keeps our class well-fed with his baking concoctions. His iconic pony illustrations spice up the newspaper, breaking up the heavier topics with humor and creativity. He’s a kind and compassionate person who is always willing to help anyone, no matter what the deadline or request is.
Congratulations to these seniors, and thanks for everything. The newspaper would not exist without your skill, talent and devotion. You will all go on to do great things.
Thank you to our adviser Lindsay Webster as well, who dedicates hours of her time to supporting us as students and as people, allowing us to thrive in many ways. She gives the student body a voice. Without her, the newspaper never would have begun in the first place, and none of The Sentinel Sound staff members would be where we are today. The impacts she’s had on us will be felt for years to come. Thank you!