Acario Cook
Recently in the Warhammer 40k community there has been a massive uproar over the new codex (rule book that contains everything you’ll need to know on how to build your army and shows off each miniature that you might want to build and paint) for the adeptus custodes. The reason the community is in an uproar is when they released the codex (rulebook for that army) they added a short story about a female custodes. While the problem isn’t that they added female soldiers it’s that they retconned(meaning they just sayed “no that’s always been there” when there is no evidence saying so) the lore of the universe to implement them. The community thinks they should have just introduced them without retconning. To note if you don’t know what Warhammer 40k is, it’s a tabletop Role playing game where you fight other people with plastic miniatures that you build and paint. Specifically, the adeptus custodes are the legion that guards the Emperor of mankind The Emperor of Mankind is akin to the Secret Service..
The community was perplexed at this development. A fan tweeted at Games Workshop asking, “When did you add female custodes?”They replied, “Since the first of Ten thousand were created, there have always been female custodes.”
This response was not received well and with good reason. Fans have stated that they’re not mad about female custodes being introduced, rather it is the fact that they retconned the story to fight whatever agenda they are doing when they could have just introduced female custodes without retconning. Fans have also stated on Twitter that they shouldn’t have expanded on custodes and instead given more light to other factions and armies in the setting.